The Evolution of Consciousness: Part 5 – The emergence of consciousness in animals over the course of evolution

  Some of the most enjoyable parts of writing the Yoga Psychology book involved weaving stories of the amazing exploits of various animals.  It was great fun putting together the story about the "waggle" dance.  When we were looking for information on intelligence in birds, stories seemed to start popping up here there and everywhere… Read More »

The Evolution of Consciousness: Part 4 – Does Consciousness Become More Complex Over the Course of Evolution?

These are excerpts from the book, “Yoga Psychology and the Transformation of Consciousness: Seeing Through the Eyes of Infinity”.  For me, at this point (1-12-14) the most interesting thing about the following passages is the rather dramatic change in evolutionary biology in the 6 years since the book was first published. During the 5-6 years… Read More »

Talking about Indian psychology and yogic experiences

I recently (1-6-14) received a very interesting question about the introductory blog post on the evolution of consciousness (here: Here it is: “Reading the following paragraph “Hayward goes even further, speaking from a Vajrayana (Tantric Buddhist) perspective, saying that there is an initial nondual (without the apparently separate “I”) awareness which is the foundation… Read More »

Some personal reflections on integrating the left and right hemispheres of the brain

GAINS (the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies) recently published an article on “Being Playful in  Left Brain World.”  It was beautifully written and inspired me to reflect on some of my own struggles with left-right integration. It started when I was 4 (well, not exactly, but I’ll get there).  My older sister and brother… Read More »

The Evolution of Consciousness: Part 2 – The Story of Sharon

“Sharon” is a composite of several military veterans I’ve worked with as a clinical psychologist. We used Sharon’s story in our yoga psychology book (Yoga Psychology and the Transformation of Consciousness: Seeing Through the Eyes of Infinity”) as a way to illustrate in very practical, down to earth terms how what Sri Aurobindo calls the… Read More »