Early morning musings on mind, brain, time and coffee

Early morning thoughts stream slowly and meander leisurely through the mind without much of discipline. Yesterday I fixed a new mirror in the bathroom. The old mirror is still laying next to it. Seeing them both, I remember the adventures with "mirror-books" that Fynn describes with so much love in Mr. God, this is Anna. With some… Read More »


Psychologically time is quite a strange phenomenon. St. Augustine famously said about it that he perfectly understood what time was ... till someone asked him to explain. In a talk with the children of the Ashram school, the Mother described how it operates in the different inner worlds. Sri Aurobindo gave a marvelous short summary of… Read More »

A new adventure

Welcome to the Indian Psychology Blogs Blogging is still a new adventure for us, and initially we thought it would take some time before we would open these pages to "the public", but here goes. The basic idea behind the Indian Psychology Blogs has been put into a separate -- and perhaps more permanent --… Read More »