Teaching Indian psychology

Indian Psychology attempts to be a consciously treaded and systematic journey of self-development, which, on progressing, enriches one’s understanding of oneself and consequently one’s interactions with the world; it’s systems and processes are built on this basic premise. Taking consciousness as the fundamental basis behind all operations, it would lend itself most effectively when taught… Read More »

Some thoughts on conducting qualitative interviews

Talking to people about their perceptions of the world, about their personal experiences, about their beliefs, their interpretations of the Truth, their failures and triumphs, in other words about their subjective world is never easy. Listening to and understanding a narrative requires not just your interest and curiosity but a genuine respect and openness from… Read More »

Two ways of applying Indian Psychology

There are two distinct ways in which Indian Psychology can be applied; there is a gradient between these two approaches, and many mixed forms are possible, but conceptually it is useful to distinguish them. The first could be called instrumental or pragmatic, the second essential or paradigmatic. In the first approach, decontextualised ideas and techniques… Read More »