Three Introductory Courses in
Indian Psychology
2008 - 2009
- One year Pondicherry: 8-day intensive + 6 Sundays
- Eight-day intensive in Pondicherry: June 15 - June22, 2008
- Six Sundays in Pondicherry: August 3, September 7, November 2, and December 7 in 2008, and February 8 and March 8 in 2009
- One semester in Pondicherry: 8-day intensive + regular evening & 4 weekend classes
- Eight-day intensive in Pondicherry: June 15 - June 22, 2008
- Regular evening classes in Pondicherry (exact period flexible)
- Four Sundays in Pondicherry: August 3, September 7, November 2, and December 7, 2008
- One year: 8-day intensive in Pondicherry + 6 monthly weekends in Delhi
- Eight-day intensive in Pondicherry: May 25 - June 1, 2008
- Six weekends in Delhi: August 9/10, September 13/14, November 8/9, and December 13/14 in 2008, and February 14/15 and March 14/15 in 2009
More and more people are becoming aware of the treasures which the Indian tradition can contribute to our psychological understanding of human nature. Indian literature, philosophy and yoga are based on a very deep insight in life and how it unfolds on this planet, and Indian approaches to psychology can add a greater depth and meaning to psychological theory as well as practice. The life-affirming spirituality that is the very basis of the Indian civilization is not only essential for our own individual happiness, but also for the harmonious evolution of the global civilization. In theoretical fields as well as in applications like counselling, psychotherapy and education, Indian approaches to psychology are not only more in harmony with the Indian culture but also with human nature in general, so that they can play a crucial role in the future of the whole of humanity. In each of these courses we will try to develop a genuinely integral approach to psychology, for which we will base ourselves largely on Sri Aurobindo’s synthesis of the Indian tradition, though other sources will be brought in when needed.
Content and structure of the courses
- The basic concepts and processes that are part of Indian psychology will be explained in lectures and discussion groups that are based on an intense, direct interaction with the participants. To the extent possible we will have, besides the larger groups, also small-group and individual sessions.
- An attempt will be made to help the participants experience the core concepts and processes that come up in the lectures, and to explore, both collectively and individually, how they can be used for one’s personal growth as well as in one’s professional work.
- During the course the participants are required to take up one or more research projects in any area of Indian psychology of their choice. These largely self-directed projects will involve besides literature study, detached self-observation and other yoga-based research methodologies.
- Maintaining a diary will be part of the course structure.
The One-year course in Pondicherry
- The one-year course in Pondicherry starts with an eight-day intensive in Pondicherry, June 15-22, 2008.
- Spread over the following academic year, there will be six one-day workshops in Pondicherry. These workshops will be held on the Sunday following the first Saturday of August, September, November, and December 2008, plus March and April 2009. During the preceding Saturdays, starting from Saturday August 2, there will be an opportunity to discuss individually or in small groups the projects which the participants will do at home during the intervening months.
- This course will focus on the needs of post-graduate students, lecturers and professionals in Psychology and related subjects, who want to get a basic understanding of Indian approaches to Psychology.
- As Pondicherry is well-connected, applicants from all over South-India can apply.
- The total fee for this course is Rs. 3500/- , which is Rs. 2000/- for the eight-day intensive (incl. board and lodging) plus 6 x Rs. 250/- for the six Sundays (incl. lunch and tea/coffee). If required, accommodation during the six weekends can be arranged in one the Sri Aurobindo Ashram guesthouses, starting at Rs. 50/- per night.
The One-semester course in Pondicherry
- The One-semester course in Pondicherry includes the eight-day intensive and the first four of the six Sunday workshops mentioned above under the One-year Pondicherry course.
- In between there will be regular evening classes on themes like “Vedic Literature”, “Integral Yoga Psychology”, “The Gita”, etc. Students can also opt for special classes on subjects like counselling, education, Sanskrit etc. according to their interest and availability of resource people.
- This course is meant primarily for psychology students and teachers who want to achieve in a short period as deep an understanding of the psychological aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s work and the Indian tradition in general as they can manage. We think especially of students who are planning to take up a PhD project in which they want to include aspects from the Indian tradition, PhD students who are already involved in such a study, and University and College level teachers who want to spend a sabbatical on deepening their understanding of the Indian tradition.
- Residents of Pondicherry and Auroville who work during the day but want to make a serious effort to deepen their understanding of the psychological aspects of the Indian tradition and Sri Aurobindo’s work can also apply. We cannot take responsibility for accommodation in Pondicherry during the semester course, but we will do our best to help.
- As we envisage for this course a wide variety among the participants in terms of previous knowledge, interest and commitment, self-directed study will occupy an important place.
- The fee for the eight-day intensive is the same as in the One-year course (Rs. 2000/-). Other elements of this course will be free, except, perhaps, for some of the self-chosen special classes.
The One-year course in Delhi
- The Delhi course starts with an eight-day intensive workshop in Pondicherry, May 25 to June 1, 2008.
- During the following academic year there will be six two-day workshops in Delhi. These weekend workshops will be held during the second weekend of August, September, November, and December 2008, plus March and April 2009.
- This course will focus on the needs of post-graduate students, lecturers and professionals working in the field of Psychology, who want to get a basic understanding of Indian approaches to Psychology.
- As Delhi is well connected, residents of other cities in North-India can also apply.
- The total fee for this course is set at Rs. 5600/-, which is Rs. 2000/- for the eight-day intensive (incl. board and lodging) plus 6 x Rs. 600/- for each of the 6 weekends (incl. lunch and tea/coffee). If required, accommodation during the 6 weekends can be arranged separately in the Delhi Branch of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
Scholarships may be provided for deserving candidates.
Course facilitators
The facilitators are Matthijs Cornelissen, Neeltje Huppes, and Alok Pandey. Amongst other available resource persons we are happy to have Vladimir Iatsenko, Vijaybharti, Suneet Varma, and Partho.
- To register, the following needs to be submitted:
- The completed registration form.
- A 300-600 word biographical note, focusing on the work you have already done in the fields of psychology, Indian philosophy and yoga.
- A 300-600 word note on why you are interested in this course, what you expect from it, and how you plan to use what you will learn after completing this course.
- There are only a few seats left, so if you are interested, please contact us at the earliest.
Further information
For any further information, you may please write to
Registration Form
Please submit this form (plus the two appendixes mentioned above) as early as possible to:
Course for which participation is sought:
Year of birth:
Educational qualifications:
Present position & place of work:
Preferred Postal Address:
Email address(es):
Telephone / Mobile:
Please note that this information is provisional and subject to change.
The latest information will always be available at:
Please check this site before submitting your application and registration fees.