Integral Indian Psychology:
Resources for Students, Teachers and Researchers
This page is progressive: contributions and corrections welcome.
In Indian psychology, the one type of knowledge that really matters is ātmavidyā, the knowledge of the Self. The only way to reach that kind of knowledge is to go inside, and so, in spite of everything available on this webpage, by far the most important resource is our own Self. In the end, we are the teacher, the student, the researcher, the textbook, the author of our own worksheets, and the main facillitator in the many short- and long-term courses we give ourselves.
We hope that the material on this page will give you inspiration, encouragement and practical guidance for your journey of rigorous self-enquiry and self-development.
1. Texts by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
- The Human Aspiration
- The Hour of God
- What is Consciousness?
- The Riddle of This World
- Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Sadhana
- The Object of Integral Yoga
- Aspiration and Grace
- The Triple Transformation
- The Renaissance in India
- The Doctrine of the Mystics
- Narad's Reply
This is the first chapter of The Life Divine. It highlights the close link between the urge for progress in the individual and the large movement of the evolution of consciousness in Nature.
A short essay on the very special moment of time we are living in now.
A few short quotes on the nature of consciousness.
A letter about pain and suffering and their role in the evolution of consciousness.
A letter explaining the difference between Sri Aurobindo's yoga and other paths.
A selection from Sri Aurobindo's Letters on Yoga, dealing with the different reasons why people can take up Yoga.
The first three chapters of Sri Aurobindo's booklet The Mother, dealing with three core-elements of yoga: aspiration, rejection and surrender.
One of the most important chapters of The Life Divine, explaining the basic processes involved in the psychic, spiritual and supramental transformation.
Four essays dealing with the awakening of India and its role in the future of mankind.
An essay on the secret meaning of the Rig Veda
A passage from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri about the problem of pain.
- The Science of Living
- What is the Psychic Being?
- To Dwell in the Psychic
- Remember and Offer
- The Spiritual Evolution
A passage from the Mother in which she explains that on the quality of our aim depends the quality of our life.
A short explanation of the divine element in us.
A text by the Mother on the experience of living in the psychic being.
How to make every aspect of life part of one's yoga?
A short explanation of the nature of the supramental realisation.
- Handouts given during IPI's short introductory courses on Indian Psychology
- Finding your own path
- How do we know?
- The parts of the being
- Steps of the soul
- The science of living
- Processes of change
- Relationships
- Self-observation
- Subjective research
- The Bhagvad Gita
- The evolving soul
- The person and the personality
- The role of pain and suffering
- The Vedic image of man
- Yoga in a progressive world
- Yoga and Consciousness: An Integral Perspective
This booklet was brought out on the occassion of the National Conference on Indian Psychology, Yoga and Consciousness, held at Pondicherry from the 10th to the 13th of December, 2004. - Foundations of Indian Psychology
- Svabhava: Self and Personality
- Chitta and Chittavritti: Pathways to Knowledge
- Rasa and Bhava: Experience, Emotion, and Motivation
- Yoga, Health and Healing
- Shiksha: Education
- Loka Sangraha: Social Issues
- The Integral Psychology of the Future
- Integral Psychology
This booklet was brought out on the occassion of the National Conference on Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology, held at Pondicherry from September 29th to October 1st, 2002. - The Vision of Integral Psychology
- Psychology as the Science of Consciousness
- Being Human
- Development
Books by and about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are available online on the official website of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
The Collected Works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo are available as follows:
2. Texts by other authors
- Texts on Integral psychology by other authors
- Texts sorted on author
(A clickable list of texts on the IPI website, sorted on the names of the authors) - Texts sorted on subject
(A clickable list of texts on the IPI website, sorted on the main subject(s) dealt with)
- Psychic Education: A workbook based on the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
This book by Neeltje Huppes was initially written as a practical guide for teachers and trainees at Mirambika, the Free Progress unit of the Sri Aurobindo Education Society at New Delhi. Though not directly concerned with teaching Indian Psychology, it contains many practical exercises that those who teach Indian Psychology can use in their classes. Over time it has proven invaluable for many who are serious about the spiritual growth of their students and themselves.
The PDF file of the book can be downloaded free from the IPI website. The printed edition is available from the SABDA website.
- Infinity in a Drop
A text by Matthijs Cornelissen introducing a new, consciousness-centred approach to Psychology inspired by the work of Sri Aurobindo
The qualitative research paradigm
- Charmaz, K. (2004). Premises, principles, and practices in qualitative research: Revisiting the foundations. Qualitative Health Research, 14, 976-993.
Retrieved from: Qualitative Health Research
The author focuses on what we bring to qualitative inquiry and how we conduct our research. She proposes that we look at our methodological premises anew, revisit our principles, and revise our practices. She draws on Goffman's methodological insights to provide a foundation for reassessing qualitative inquiry and argues that researchers can build on Goffman's ideas to strengthen their methodological practices and research products. Last, she counters current institutional scrutiny of qualitative inquiry and suggests unacknowledged benefits of this work.
- Douglass, B. G., & Moustakas, C. (1985). Heuristic inquiry: The internal search to know. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 25(3), 39-55.
Retrieved from: Journal of Humanistic Psychology
This article is a presentation of heuristics as an approach to human science research. Heuristics is a passionate and discerning personal involvement in problem solving, an effort to know the essence of some aspect of life through the internal pathways of the self. As a framework for research, it offers a disciplined pursuit of essential meanings connected with everyday human experiences. The aim is to awaken and inspire researchers to make contact with and respect their own questions and problems, to suggest a process that affirms imagination, intuition, self-reflection, and the tacit dimension as valid ways in the search for knowledge and understanding.
- Haskell, J., Linds, W., & Ippolito, J. (2002). Opening spaces of possibility: The enactive as a qualitative research approach. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(3).
Retrieved from: Qualitative Social Research
In this article, reflexivity and subjectivity in qualitative research are addressed through an enactive view/approach incorporating embodied knowing. This approach implies that knowing emerges collectively through engagement in shared action. Embodied action brings forth an awareness of inquiry which is not attached to any one event or concept but is, rather, an un-grounding, as knowing is shaped by our actions with/in the world. Opportunities for shared, relational, and embodied interpretation practices open as we share our research in situated contexts—the outdoors, within drama workshops, and in second language learning environments.
- Kidd, S. A., & Kral, M. J. (2005). Practicing Participatory Action Research. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(2), 187- 195.
Retrieved from: Journal of Counseling Psychology
This article provides an overview of several core theoretical and practical aspects of participatory action research (PAR). The authors situate PAR methodology within psychology and argue that the approach and mindset of the researcher, referred to here as a type of "attitude," are key in the development of a successful and genuine participatory process.
- Ponterotto, J. G. (2005). Qualitative research in counseling psychology: A primer on research paradigms and philosophy of science. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 126-136.
Retrieved from: Journal of Counseling Psychology
This article presents an overview of philosophy of science and research paradigms. The philosophy of science parameters of ontology, epistemology, axiology, rhetorical structure, and methodology are discussed across the research paradigms of positivism, postpositivism, constructivism-interpretivism, and the critical-ideological perspective. Counseling researchers are urged to locate their inquiry approaches within identifiable research paradigms, and examples of "locating" 2 popular inquiry approaches--consensual qualitative research and grounded theory--are provided.
- Reason, P., & Heron, J. (2000). The practice of co-operative inquiry: Research "with" rather than "on" people. In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds.), Handbook of action research: Participative inquiry and practice (pp. 179-189). London: Sage.
Retrieved from: Handbook of Action Research
It is believed that good research is research conducted with people rather than on people, and that ordinary people are quite capable of developing their own ideas and working together in a co-operative inquiry group to see if these ideas make sense of their world and work in practice. Everyone is involved in the design and management of the inquiry; everyone gets into the experience and action that is being explored; everyone is involved in making sense and drawing conclusions; thus everyone involved can take initiative and exert influence on the process. All the active subjects are fully involved as co-researchers in all research decisions - about both content and method - taken in the reflection phases.
- Saldana, J. (2009). An introduction to codes and coding in the coding manual for qualitative researchers. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.
Retrieved from: Coding Manual
In this chapter, Saldana defines various terms related to codes and coding. He also gives a rationale for why individuals code.
Ethnographic research
- Alsop, C. K. (2002). Home and away: Self-Reflexive Auto-/Ethnography. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research On- line Journal, 3(3). Available at:
Retrieved from: Qualitative Social Research
In this article, the author interweaves the two very human states of being at home and being away, both in the literal sense of studying one's "own" and the "other" culture, and in the metaphorical sense of studying the known and the unknown within the field of the ethnographic endeavor. The look back home emerges as a chance to practice self-reflexivity. This work illustrates the possibilities that auto-ethnography opens up, as yet another piece of the puzzle in attempting to understanding ourselves and others.
- Bruner, E. (1986). Ethnography as narrative. In V. Turner & E. Bruner (Eds.), The anthropology of experience (pp. 139-156). Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Retrieved from: The anthropology of experience
The author takes a reflexive view of the production of ethnography. His thesis is that ethnographies are guided by an implicit narrative structure, by a story we tell about the people we study. To develop Ethnography as discourse, as a genre of storytelling he has taken the example of ethnological studies of Native American culture change
- Day, E. (2002). Me, myself and I: Personal and professional re-constructions in ethnographic research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research On- line Journal, 3(3).
Retrieved from: Qualitative Social Research
Negotiating the tension of the various positions available for oneself in ethnographic research is the central issue of this paper. This paper focuses on the construction of the narrative, as experienced in the actual doing of an ethnographic research project and the construction of the author's narratory self. The author's desire to move beyond a single authorial writing style in her thesis led her to the challenge of how to interweave multiple voices and realities into the telling of the story? How to construct a place or places for herself within it? How to add the story of her own growth and development as a social researcher? In the process of spinning the story in this article, she merged additional layers and created extra textual spaces as part of the knowledge construction process.
- Ellingson, L. L. (1998). "Then you know how I feel": Empathy, identification, and reflexivity in fieldwork. Qualitative Inquiry, 4, 492-514.
Retrieved from: Qualitative Inquiry
This article extends the discussion of the subjective and positioned nature of the researcher in ethnography by examining how a cancer survivor conducting fieldwork in an oncology clinic shapes and is shaped by the experience.
- Pace, S. (2012). Writing the self into research: Using grounded theory analytic strategies in autoethnography. TEXT Special Issue: Creativity: Cognitive, Social and Cultural Perspectives 1-15.
Retrieved from: Autoethnography and Creativy
This article attempts to explore how autoethnographers in the creative arts can employ analytic strategies from the grounded theory tradition in their work. This methodological discussion might benefit artist-researchers who identify themselves as autoethnographers, but who want to use analytic reflexivity to improve theoretical understandings of their creative practice.
Research in the transpersonal / spiritual domain
- Anderson, R. (2000). Intuitive inquiry: Interpreting objective and subjective data. Revision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation, 22(4), 31-39.
Retrieved from: Journal of Consciousness and Transformation
Intuitive inquiry was introduced as a general approach for studying transformative experiences. Many of the techniques and research strategies can be blended with other research methods. It seeks to provide an approach to research which systematically incorporates both objective and subjective knowledge through a step-by-step interpretive process, that is cycles of interpretation which shape the on-going inquiry.
- Braud, W. (1998). Can research be transpersonal? Transpersonal Psychology Review, 2(3), pp. 9-17.
Retrieved from: Transpersonal Psychology Review
This paper presents several areas in which research can be blended, expanded, extended, enriched and enlivened beyond the narrow, conventional, individual forms of research so that it might become more inclusive and better able to honor and appreciate the richness, breadth, depth, and subtlety of the exceptional experiences that are of interest to transpersonal psychology.
- Braud, W. (2004). An introduction to organic inquiry: Honoring the transpersonal and spiritual in research praxis. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2004, 36(1).
Retrieved from: The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
This is a brief introduction to Jennifer Clements' paper on Organic Inquiry where Braud describes the history, nature, strengths, and limitations of this approach. This approach is best suited for topics that have a transpersonal or spiritual dimension, for exploring experiences identical or similar to those that one may have had oneself, and for studying topics that have passionate meaning for oneself. This approach may be a contribution to transformative change in oneself and in others directly and indirectly involved in the research project.
- Braud, W. (2012). Health and well-being benefits of exceptional human experiences. In C. Murray (Ed.), Mental health and anomalous experience (pp. 107-124). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Retrieved from: Mental Health and Anomalous Experience
This chapter explores the nature, accompaniments, and aftereffects of Exceptional human experiences (EHEs) and focuses on the variety of ways in which their experiencing and their disclosure can benefit the experiencer's mental health and well-being. The EHEs treated here include primarily mystical and unitive, psychical, encounter, unusual death-related, and peak experiences. The possible mental health benefits are described in the contexts of the models and findings of theorists Rhea White, James Pennebaker and Ian Wickramasekera, Tom Driver, and the "positive psychology" of Barbara Fredrickson. The chapter addresses ways in which therapists, counselors, and other helping professionals might best work with persons reporting these experiences.
- Bronte, J. C., & Wade, J. (2012). The experience of grace: Divine assistance in making a change. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 44(2), 182-200.
Retrieved from: The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
This qualitative study examined how 25 people aged 22-66 experienced grace as Divine assistance in making a positive change in their lives, especially, what convinced them that the change had been the result of some Divine agency. Thematic analysis of in-depth interviews of experiences ranging from choosing a graduate school to the spontaneous recovery from a life-threatening illness revealed four common components of grace: mode of transmission, subjective impulse to change, emotional experience, and external efforts. The experiences clustered somewhat across presenting problems, fulfilled needs, and increased self-efficacy while propelling people forward in the change process.
- Clements, J. (2004). Organic inquiry: Toward research in partnership with spirit. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 36(1).
Retrieved from: The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
Organic inquiry is an emerging approach to qualitative research that attracts people and topics related to psycho-spiritual growth. The psyche of the researcher becomes the subjective "instrument" of research, working in partnership with liminal and spiritual influences as well as with the experiences of participants. Organic inquiry invites transformative change, which includes not only information, but also a transformation that consists of both changes of mind and changes of heart. The approach offers a process for cultivating these changes, not only to researcher and participants, but additionally to readers of the research.
- Heron, J. (2000). Transpersonal co-operative inquiry. In P. Reason & H. Bradbury (Eds.), Handbook of action research: Participative inquiry and practice (pp. 333-340). London: Sage.
Retrieved from: Handbook of Action Research
Transpersonal inquiry is a kind of sacred science which includes spiritual inquiries about our possible relationships with a universal matrix of consciousness and life; and subtle inquiry about hypothesized extrasensory capacities in humans and the energies, domains, presences and powers to which those capacities may bear witness. The internal authority of individual autonomy is affirmed, not of the isolated Cartesian ego, but of the distinct person participating in a dynamic web of relationships with other beings, and within being-as-such (Spretnak, 1995). It is honed by the exercise of discriminating judgment, and by inquiring into one's social reality, living and working together for the duration of the inquiry.
- Palmer, G., & Braud, W. (2002). Exceptional human experiences, disclosure, and a more inclusive view of physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 34(1), 29-61.
Retrieved from: The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology
The nature, accompaniments, and life impacts of 5 types of exceptional human experiences (EHEs: mystical, psychic, unusual death-related, encounter, and exceptional normal) were explored, using correlational and qualitative analyses. An experimental design and standardized assessments were used to explore possible beneficial outcomes of working with and disclosing EHEs, individually or in psycho-educational groups. Results revealed that EHEs and their disclosure were accompanied by themes of well-being, high levels of meaning and purpose in life, openness, spirituality, need-satisfaction, and transformative change.
Narrative analysis
- Charmaz, K. (2002). Stories and silences: Disclosures and self in chronic illness. Qualitative Inquiry, 8, 302-328.
Retrieved from: Qualitative Inquiry
This article addresses the stories and silences of chronically ill people in relation to their self-disclosures. Studying the participants' stories and silences corrects an overreliance on their stories, notes disparities between lived experience and accounts of it, brings the body into analytic purview, and addresses the researcher's stance and actions. There are four concerns which underlie these research participants' stories and silences, viz., the place of suffering, the potential of dislocation and isolation, the possibility of losing moral status, and potential loss of self and a way of life. These concerns contribute to participants' rhetoric of self and are implicit in social scientific treatment of illness stories.
- Frank, A. W. (2000). The standpoint of storyteller. Qualitative Health Research, 10, 354-365.
Retrieved from: Qualitative Health Research
The value of storytelling as complementary to story analysis is argued, and the importance of recognizing one's own standpoint is emphasized. The paper considers how qualitative methods can inform changing relationships between illness, health, medicine, and culture.
- Lillrank, A. (2002). The tension between overt talk and covert emotions in illness narrative: Transition from clinician to researcher. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 26, 111-127.
Retrieved from: Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
In this article the author discusses her interview experiences as joint constructions with Finnish parents whose children had been diagnosed with cancer. In the overt talk the parents underlined the manageable aspects of the illness. The speechless and painful part of the illness experience appeared as covert emotions that the interviewer was able to recognise and contain. Only when both the overt talk and the covert emotions were taken into account did it open up a more comprehensive way to understand the depth of the illness suffering.
- Riessman, C. K. (2003). Analysis of personal narratives. In J.A. Holstein & J.F. Gubrium (Eds.), Inside interviewing: New lenses, new concerns (pp. 331–346). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Retrieved from: Inside Interviewing
The author has focused his discussion on the first-person accounts of informants' experience of disruptive life events, which fundamentally altered their biographies. The analytic point of entry was performative i.e., why was the story told in a particular way? The approach to narrative analysis assumed positionality and subjectivity, wherein the perspectives of both the narrator and analyst came to light. The effort was on clearing a space for less dominating and more relational mode of interviewing, which reflected (and respected) participants' ways of organizing meaning in their lives.
- Riessman, C. K. (2003). Narrative analysis. In M. S. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman, & T. Futing Liao (Eds.), The Sage encyclopedia of social science research methods, Vol. 3. London: Sage Publications.
Retrieved from: The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods
This article focuses on the oral narratives of personal experience. Various methods of narrative analysis suited to different kinds of projects, where each provides a way to systematically study personal narratives of experience, are reviewed. The typology is not intended to be hierarchical or evaluative, neither are they mutually exclusive and, as with all typologies, their boundaries are fuzzy.
Grounded theory and Thematic Analysis
- Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), pp. 77-101.
Retrieved from: Qualitative Research in Psychology
In this paper, it is argued that thematic analysis offers an accessible and theoretically-flexible approach to analysing qualitative data. The paper explains what thematic analysis is, and locates it with relation to other qualitative analytic methods and in relation to different epistemological and ontological positions. Further, the disadvantages and advantages of thematic analysis are outlined.
- Charmaz, K. (2011). A constructivist grounded theory analysis of losing and regaining a valued self. In F. J. Wertz, K. Charmaz, L. J. McMullen, R. Josselson, R. Anderson, and E. McSpadden (Eds.), Five ways of doing qualitative analysis: Phenomenological psychology, grounded theory, discourse analysis, narrative research, and intuitive inquiry (pp. 165-204). New York: Guilford Press.
Retrieved from: Grounded Theory
Grounded theory strategies were employed on the data collected from written stories and interview accounts about a marker event in the lives of two participants, which aimed to fulfill the objectives of: showing how initial ideas about the data were developed using grounded theory methods; how these ideas were linked to the subsequent analysis of losing and regaining a valued self, and subsequently presenting a grounded theory of losing and regaining a valued self. The analysis rested on an interpretive rendering of key points in the data, rather than an objective report. In this study, losing a valued self was the most significant code that brought other codes together in a coherent analysis.
- Charmaz, K. (2012). The power and potential of grounded theory. Medical Sociology Online, 6(3), 2-15.
Retrieved from: Medical Sociology Online
This is a short introduction to grounded theory, its use, in what ways does this method have power and potential, and a some guidelines and suggestions as to where they can lead. The similarities and differences between major proponents of grounded theory are also elucidated.
3. Books
- Cornelissen, R. M. M., Misra, G., & Varma, S. (Eds.). (2014). Foundations and applications of Indian psychology. New Delhi: Pearson.
This book explores the widely under-explored and under-rated area of Indian psychology. It traces the origins, scope and development of Indian Psychology as an emerging discipline. The twenty-six essays in this book not only cover a broad spectrum of topics but also link mainstream topics that are taught in General Psychology with Indian thought.
- Rao, K. R., & Marwaha, S. B. (Eds.). (2005). Towards a spiritual psychology: Essays in Indian psychology. New Delhi: Samvad India Foundation.
The essays in this volume share a common interest in Indian psychology and explore different dimensions of the concepts ‘self’ and ‘personality’ which are markedly different from those that are currently fashionable and popular in psychology. Spiritual psychology in the Indian tradition is asserted as atmanam viddhi. It is a discipline that studies the ways of knowing and realizing the self. It aspires for total transformation of the person to achieve higher levels of awareness and excellence.
- Joshi, K., & Cornelissen, R. M. M. (Eds.). (2004). Consciousness, Indian psychology and yoga. New Delhi: Centre for Studies in Civilizations.
Devoted to the exploration of consciousness and yoga, this volume is an attempt to bring the Indic tradition and the social sciences closer together. Its focus is on three major contributions: a deep and many-faceted undersatnding of consciousness, a well-worked out methodology to arrive at reliable knowledge of the subjective domain, and a variey of methods to transcend and transform human nature.
- Rao, K. R., Paranjpe, A. C., & Dalal, A. K. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of Indian psychology. New Delhi, India: Cambridge University Press.
The Handbook of Indian Psychology is an attempt to systematically explore the concepts, methods and models of Indian psychology. It is the result of the collective efforts of more than thirty leading international scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds. In thirty-one chapters, the authors depict the nuances of classical Indian thought, discuss their relevance to contemporary concerns, and draw out the implications and applications for teaching, research and practice of psychology.
- Misra, G., & Mohanty, A. K. (Eds.). (2002). Perspectives on indigenous psychology. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company.
This book is an effort to bring into focus the context, contents and relevance of the move towards indigenous psychology in India. This volume offers a critical appreciation of the changing context of "science" and places, the discipline of psychology in the emerging interpretive framework of human sciences. The contributions make an effort to explore the potentials of indigenous notions in the areas like self understanding, health and well-being, happiness, stress, personality, emotions and skill development.
- Choudry, A., & Vinayachandra, B. K. (Eds.). (2013). Perspectives on Indian psychology. Bangalore: Jain University Press.
The book is a collection of articles about some of the basic concepts in Indian psychology. It throws light on themes such as self, identity and consciousness; the challenges and prospects for teaching Indian psychology and appropriate research methodologies that need to be evolved to do justice to the subject; and its applications in different fields like counselling and management.
- Huppes, N. Indian Psychology: An experiential approach
- Cornelissen, R. M. M. (in progress). Infinity in a drop: An introduction to integral Indian psychology.
- Rao, K. R., & Paranjpe, A. C. (2016). Psychology in the Indian Tradition. New Delhi: Springer.
This authoritative volume presents a model of the person and its implications for psychological theory and practice. Professors Ramakrishna Rao and Anand Paranjpe draw the contours of Indian psychology, describe the methods of study, explain crucial concepts, and discuss the central ideas and their application, illustrating them with insightful case studies and judicious reviews of available research data and existing scholarly literature. The main theme is organized around the thesis that psychology is the study of the person and that the person is a unique composite of body, mind and consciousness. The goal of the person is self-realization. Self-realization consists in the realization of one's true self as distinct from the manifest ego and it is facilitated by cultivating consciousness. Cultivating consciousness leads to a kind of psycho-spiritual symbiosis resulting in personal transformation, altruistic value orientation and flowering of the hidden human potential.
- Paranjpe, A. C. (1998). Self and identity in modern psychology and Indian thought. New York: Plenum Press.
East meets West in this fascinating exploration of conceptions of personal identity in Indian philosophy and modern Euro-American psychology. The book takes into account these two distinct traditions with regard to historical, disciplinary, and cultural ‘gaps’ in the study of the self, and in the context of such theoretical perspectives as univocalism, relativism, and pluralism. The text includes a comparison of ideas on self as represented by two eminent thinkers-Erik H. Erikson for the Western view, and Advaita Vedanta for the Indian.
- Safaya, R. (1975). Indian psychology: A critical and historical analysis of the psychological speculations in Indian philosophical literature. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
As the title suggests this book is a treatise on the psychological principles and contents found in the ancient Indian philosophical texts, such as the Upanishads and the six systems of philosophy. The author has taken up the laborious task of gathering the psychologcial data from the original Sanskrit versions of these philosophical treatises.
- Grof, S. (2000). Psychology of the future. New York: Suny Press.
This accessible and comprehensive overview of the work of Stanislav Grof, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, was specifically written to acquaint newcomers with his work. This book is the source to introduce Grof's enormous contributions to the fields of psychiatry and psychology, especially his central concept of holotropic experience, where holotropic signifies "moving toward wholeness." Grof maintains that the current basic assumptions and concepts of psychology and psychiatry require a radical revision based on the intensive and systematic research of holotropic experience. He suggests that a radical inner transformation of humanity and a rise to a higher level of consciousness might be humankind's only real hope for the future.
- Paranjpe, A. C (1984). Theoretical psychology: East and West. New York: Plenum Press.
This book is an attempt at integrating the right aspects of both the Indian and Western traditions to give a broader and more comprehensive view of man and more viable psychology.
- Srivastava, S. P. (2001). Systematic Survey of Indian Psychology. Bahadurgarah: Adhyatma Vijanana Prakashan.
- Rao, S. K. R. (1962). Development of psychological thought in India. Mysore: Kavyalaya Publishers.
This book is a comprehensive narration on the development of psychological thought in India. It is a systematic study of the subject from Rig Vedic times (3,000 B.C.), including psychological thoughts of Jainism (perhaps the oldest religion of India), of materialism / atheism, of Buddhism, etc. It is a seamless account on the subject spanning over 5,000 years. It contains some eye opening facts hitherto not widely known. A scholarly work from one of the most profound scholars of our times.
- Abhedananda Swami. (1992). True psychology. Calcutta: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math.
Delivered by Swami Abhedananda in 1920 in America, these nine lectures illuminate the Vedantic concept of Yoga Psychology and will be of interest to philosophy and psychology students alike.
- Dalal, A. S. (Ed.). (2001). A greater psychology: An introduction to the psychological thought of Sri Aurobindo. New York: Penguin Putnam Inc.
This book is an overview of Sri Aurobindo's psychological thought. The first part, comprising three-fourths of the book, is an anthology of Sri Aurobindo's writings on topics such as the nature of consciousness, Self and ego, the subliminal and the subconscient, the psychic being, sleep and dreams, and the psychology of collective development. The second part consists of essays by the editor that highlight various aspects of Sri Aurobindo's thought and vision.
- Dalal, A. S. (2007). Sri Aurobindo and the future psychology. (A supplement to a greater psychology). Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
Described by its author as a supplement to his earlier book A Greater Psychology, this collection of essays, which brings together both new and previously published articles, continues to examine and elucidate the psychological writings of Sri Aurobindo anthologised in that previous work. Here the author presents Sri Aurobindo's thoughts on such topics as the relationship between yoga and psychology, the concept of the unconscious in psychology, the relation between such terms as "person" and "personality" in the integration of the being, an integral view of cosmic consciousness, and the concept of the psychic being as a major contribution made by yogic experience to psychological thought and spiritual practice. The book also includes contributions by three experienced practitioners who have attempted to apply Sri Aurobindo's psychological thought in their clinical work.
Yogasutras (Patanjali)
- Iyengar, B. K. (1993). Light on the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. New Delhi: Harper Collins.
A classic translation by B.K.S. Iyengar, of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali- a collection of 196 aphorisms concerning the path of enlightenment through yoga. Providing insightful explanations and a detailed commentary for each Sutra, it can be a helpful guide to students of Indian philosophy as well as practitioners of Yoga.
- Desikachar, T. K. V. (2003). Reflections on Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Chennai: Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiaram.
TKV Deshikachar’s translation stimulates reflections on Patanjali’s work and its impact on our lives. It contains a section that provides chant notations alongside the Sutras to help people recite them as well as an index of all the words that appear in the text alongside the Sutra(s) in which they occur.
- Feuerstein, G. (1989). Yoga sutras of Patanjali: A new translation and commentary. Vermont: Inner Traditions of India.
A scholar who has studied and practised Yoga since the age of fourteen, Georg Feuerstein brings his experience as a professional indologist into his commentary and translation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Each word is explained so that the text is easily accessible for readers and students of yoga.
- Taimni, I. K. (2007). The science of yoga. Chennai: The Theosophical Publishing House.
Dr. Taimni’s translation and commentary of the Yoga Sutras is a comprehensive work that provides the science, philosophy, technique and fundamental teachings of Yoga in light of modern thought. It covers concepts such as evolution, consciousness, a spiritual approach to unraveling the mystery of existence, the culminating experience of samadhi and more.
- de Silva, P. (2005). An introduction to Buddhist psychology (4th ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
This book is a clear and authentic introduction to the foundations of Buddhist psychology. It provides comprehensive coverage of the basic concepts and issues in the psychology of Buddhism and thus it deals with the nature of psychological inquiry, concepts of mind, consciousness and behaviour, motivation, emotions, perception, and the therapeutic structure of Buddhist psychology.
- Nyinche, P. D. (1999). Awakening the sleeping Buddha: The twelfth Tai Situpa. (L. Terhune, Ed.). Boston: Shambhala South Asia Editions.
The most basic, clear principles of Tibetan Buddhism are here lucidly presented by a renowned modern teacher and monk. Tai Situpa illuminates Buddhist teachings in commonsense terms, using down-to-earth examples-making this a perfect handbook for beginners as well as an excellent companion for long-time students.
- Segall, S. R. (Ed.) (2003). Encountering Buddhism – Western psychology and Buddhist teachings. New York: State University of New York Press.
Creatively exploring the points of confluence and conflict between Western psychology and Buddhist teachings, various scholars, researchers, and therapists struggle to integrate their diverse psychological orientations--psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, transpersonal--with their diverse Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist practices. By investigating the degree to which Buddhist insights are compatible with Western science and culture, they then consider what each philosophical/psychological system has to offer the other. The contributors reveal how Buddhism has changed the way they practice psychotherapy, choose their research topics, and conduct their personal lives. In doing so, they illuminate the relevance of ancient Buddhist texts to contemporary cultural and psychological dilemmas.
Ramakrishna & Vivekananda
- Vivekananda, S. (1928/1982). Raja yoga or conquering the internal nature. Calcutta, India: Advaita Ashram.
This book is about the practice of Raja Yoga. The method has been called the soul of all the yogas. The emphsis here in on the control of the mind through concentration and meditation. Raja yoga is also called the yoga of meditation. It is regarded as the psychological way to union with God.
- Nikhilananda, S. (2010). Vivekananda: A Biography. Calcutta, India: Advaita Ashram.
An absorbing biography of Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902) that presents his vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture, deep spiritual insight, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy, and colorful personality. Swami Vivekananda, India's first spiritual and cultural ambassador to the West, proclaimed the universal message of Vedanta: the non-duality of the Godhead, the divinity of the soul, the oneness of existence, and the harmony of religions.
Integral (Sri Aurobindo)
- Joshi, K. (2009). Integral yoga: Major aims, methods, processes, and results. New Delhi, India: The Mother's Institute of Research.
- Dalal, A. S. (Ed.). (2001). Our many selves. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.
Sri Aurobindo's oft-quoted statement, “Yoga is nothing but practical psychology”, provides the pivotal inspiration for this compilation. The book presents the Yoga as essentially a process of inner psychological work aimed at the transformation of consciousness. It discusses in detail the various planes and parts of the being and how they are to be harmonised and unified around the soul.
- Aurobindo, Sri. (2008). The integral yoga. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.
A compilation of letters written by Sri Aurobindo to disciples during the 1930s, this book presents the major aspects of his spiritual teaching. The first parts deal with the psychological and philosophical foundations of his teaching and relate them to other systems of yoga and philosophy. The next sections deal with the method of practice, starting with the bases of yoga and continuing with the different types of sadhana, descriptions of experiences and realisations, the triple transformation that defines the essence of the yoga, and the difficulties in transforming the nature. A glossary of the terminology used by Sri Aurobindo completes the volume.
- Aurobindo, Sri. (1998). Bases of yoga. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.
In this collection of 156 extracts from letters to disciples, Sri Aurobindo explains the central principles and practices of his integral Yoga and sheds light on problems that confront the spiritual seeker. The extracts are organised under headings such as calm, peace, and equality; faith, aspiration, and surrender; desire, food, and sex; and the physical consciousness, the subconscient, sleep and dreams, and illness.
- Sen, I. (1998). Integral psychology: The psychological system of Sri Aurobindo. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo International Centre for Education.
All forms of Yoga in general, and Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga in particular, call for the need of formulation of a psychological standpoint with emphasis on the synthesis of the various aspects of experience. This psychology is called Integral Psychology. This book gives a resume of the viewpoints of several noted Western and Indian psychologists, and traces the relationship between Yoga and Integral Psychology.
Islam, Sufi
- Husain, A. (2006). Emergence of Islamic psychology. New Delhi, India: Global Vision Publishing House.
This book discusses a number of Quranic concepts of human behaviour and experience in support of Hadith in a very appealing style. Besides, the author of the book has incorporated the contribution of Muslim thinkers, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazzali, Shah Waliullah and Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi for their prolific writings and literary works directly linked to the discipline of Psychology. The book contains fourteen chapters. The content and subject matter of the book reflects the testing of various Quranic concepts of human behaviour and their particular relevance in the discipline of psychology. Of necessity, choice of content was made because of the extraordinary depth of the field of Islamic psychology. The topics selected for inclusion in this book are considered to be most closely linked with the various fields of psychology, namely, psycho-pathology, guidance and counselling, personality development, and psychotherapy.
- Haque, A., & Mohamed, Y. (Eds.) (2009). Psychology of personality: Islamic perspectives. Singapore: Cengage Learning.
Psychology of Personality: Islamic Perspectives is the first edited volume of selected papers on human nature and personality from an Islamic perspective. It is a modest attempt at clarifying the conceptual confusion that resulted in keeping psychology separate from religion, separate from a soul. The authors have incorporated religious and transcendental concepts that shape human personality, which are based on the Quran and the works of early Muslim scholars. It is not a book on psychotherapy, however, the views on human nature are important for the development of an Islamic approach to therapy.
- Mehta, M. L. (2002). Jaina Psychology: Introduction. Varanasi: Parshvanath Vidyapeeth.
- Hiriyanna, M. (2000).The essentials of Indian philosophy. New Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidas Publishers.
This book provides a concise, connected account of Indian philosophy, and interpretation and criticism are provided within the limits of the volume. An introductory chapter summarises Vedic religion and philosophy, and then Indian thought respectively with the early post-Vedic period and the age of the systems. A brief historical survey accompanies each natural division of the subject, in addition to an exposition of its theory of knowledge, ontology and practical teaching. A glossary of Sanskrit terms and a good subject-index are provided.
- Chatterjee, S., & Datta, D. (2014). An introduction to Indian philosophy. New Delhi: Rupa Publications.
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy introduces the reader to the vast ocean of knowledge and outlook of Indian philosophy. The authors have highlighted the significance of Indian views in terms of modern Western thought. The book is a seminal work covering topics as varied as the Carvaka, Jain, Vaisesika, Mimamsa, Buddha, Sankhya Systems, amongst others.
- Dasgupta, S. (1922/2006). A history of Indian philosophy (Vol. I-V). Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass.
In this benchmark five-volume study, originally published between 1922 and 1955, Surendranath Dasgupta examines the principal schools of thought that define Indian philosophy. A unifying force greater than art, literature, religion, or science, Professor Dasgupta describes philosophy as the most important achievement of Indian thought, arguing that an understanding of its history is necessary to appreciate the significance and potentialities of India's complex culture.
- Flood, G. (1998). An introduction to Hinduism. New Delhi, India: Foundation Books.
This book provides a much-needed thematic and historical introduction to Hinduism. Dr Flood traces the development of Hindu traditions from their ancient origins, through the major deities of Visnu, Siva and the Goddess, to the modern world. Hinduism is discussed as both a global religion and a form of nationalism. The book examines the ideas of dharma, particularly in relation to the ideology of kingship, caste and world renunciation. Dr Flood also introduces some debates within contemporary scholarship about the nature of Hinduism. It is suitable both for the student and for the general reader.
- Radhakrishnan, S. (2007). The principal Upanishads. New Delhi: Harper Collins.
This book contains in full the classical Upanisads, those commented on or mentioned by the eighth-century Indian philosopher Shankara. The Sanskrit text, transliterated into Roman script, is followed, verse-by-verse, with an English translation. The volume also includes a commentary, notes on the vocabulary, and a very detailed introduction by Dr. Radhakrishnan.
- Aurobindo, Sri. (2008). The integral yoga. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.
- Aurobindo, Sri. (2010). The synthesis of yoga. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust. Retrieved on August 14, 2016 from
- Bodhi, B. (1999). A comprehensive manual of abhidhamma (2nd ed.). Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society.
- Kiran Kumar, S. K. (2002). Psychology of meditation: A contextual approach. New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Co.
- Shapiro, D. H., & Walsh, R. N. (Ed.) (1984). Meditation: Classic and contemporary perspectives. New York: Aldine.
- Dalal, A. S. (Ed.) (2001). Living within. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.
- Dalal, A. S. (Ed.) (2001). Our many selves. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.
- Priya, K. R., & Dalal, A. K. (Eds.). (2015). Qualitative research on illness, well-being and self-growth: Contemporary Indian perspectives. New Delhi: Routledge.
This book examines the theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions of Qualitative Research in the study of illness, wellbeing and self-growth in the Indian context. Using wide-ranging narratives, interviews, group discussions, and cultural analyses, it offers a social and psychological understanding of health and therapy.
- Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from:
Kathy Charmaz presents the definitive guide to doing grounded theory from constructivist perspective. This is a seminal title for anyone serious about understanding and doing grounded theory research.
- Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. (2005). Handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
This book presents the state-of-the-art theory and practice of qualitative inquiry. The editors and contributors address issues of social justice and examine how people's struggles can inform public issues and in turn be transformed into social policy. Their writings are underpinned by a critical framework, and they are committed to addressing issues of inequality. The aim is to show how the practices of qualitative research can effect change in the world in positive ways.
- Smith, J. A., Harre, R., & Langenhove, L. V. (Eds.). (1995). Rethinking methods in psychology. London: Sage.
This book introduces key research methods that challenge psychology's traditional preoccupation with "scientific" experiments. The wide-scale rejection of conventional theory and method has led to the evolution of different ways to gather and analyze data. This book provides a well-structured guide to key effective methods, which not only contain the classic qualitative approaches but also offer a reworking of quantitative methods to suit the changing picture of psychological research today. It focuses on research in the real world, language and discourse, dynamic interactions, and persons and individuals, and guides the reader through the main stages of conducting a study. This is an essential volume for anyone interested in doing research in psychology without relying on the positivist tradition.
- Willig, C., & Stainton Rogers, W. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of qualitative research in psychology. London: Sage.
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the qualitative methods, strategies and research issues in psychology, combining "how-to-do-it" summaries with an examination of historical and theoretical foundations. Examples from recent research are used to illustrate how each method has been applied, the data analyzed and insights gained. Chapters provide a "state of the art" review, take stock of what's been achieved so far and map trajectories for future developments. The book is a valuable resource for both experienced qualitative researchers and novices.
- Braud, W., & Anderson, R. (Eds.). (1998). Transpersonal research methods for the social sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
This book introduces a series of transpersonal research methods that are intended to help researchers develop new ways of knowing and methods of inquiry. While these methods will be of particular interest to researchers in transpersonal psychology, humanistic psychology, or transpersonal studies applied to traditional fields, the authors argue that these approaches with their emphasis on developing intuition, empathy, self-awareness can benefit anyone involved in the research enterprise.
- Polkinghorne, D. (1983). Methodology for the human sciences: Systems of inquiry. Albany: SUNY Press.
This book addresses the growing need for a comprehensive textbook that surveys the emerging body of literature on human science research and clearly describes procedures and methods for carrying out new research strategies. It provides an overview of developing methods, describes their commonalities and variations, and contains practical information on how to implement strategies in the field. It calls for a renewal of debate over which methods are appropriate for the study of human beings, proposing that the results of the extensive changes in the philosophy of science since 1960 call for a reexamination of the original issues of this debate.
- White, M., & Epston, D. (1990). Narrative means to therapeutic ends. New York: W.W.Norton.
This book presents a respectful, often playful approach to serious problems, with groundbreaking theory as a backdrop. The authors start with the assumption that people experience problems when the stories of their lives, as they or others have invented them, do not sufficiently represent their lived experience. In this way narrative comes to play a central role in therapy.
- Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2015). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (4th ed.). London: Sage Publications.
This volume presents practical procedures and techniques for doing grounded theory studies at a level accessible to students and researchers in applied disciplines. It provides a step by step approach to doing research from formulation of the initial research question, through various systems of coding and analysis, to the process of writing or speaking on the research topic. It will be an invaluable tool for the novice researcher and a useful text for courses in qualitative research in social science programmes.
- Smith, J. A. (2008). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. London: Sage Publications.
Covering all the main qualitative approaches now used in psychology, this book offers a step-by-step guide to carry out research using each particular method with plenty of pedagogical advice. All chapters are written by international experts - many of them key figures in either the inception or development of their chosen method.
- Reason, P. (Ed.). (1988). Human inquiry in action: Developments in new paradigm research. London: Sage Publications.
An important practical sourcebook for new ways of understanding research, Human Inquiry in Action is essential reading for researchers in all social science disciplines interested in humanistic methods. It presents both an up-to-date assessment of the state of theoretical and methodological debates in collaborative human research, and provides a summary of projects undertaken using collaborative methodologies. In particular, the contributors address some of the difficulties involved with the collaborative approach.
- Heron, J. (1996). Co-operative inquiry: Research into the human condition. London: Sage.
This is the first textbook to provide a comprehensive overview of cooperative inquiry--research with people in which the roles of researcher and subject are thoroughly integrated. Cooperative inquiry is a wide-ranging and distinctive form of participative research in which people use the full range of their sensibilities to inquire together into any aspect of the human condition. The purpose of Cooperative Inquiry is to offer both a detailed, practical guide explaining how to use the method.
- Patton, M. Q. (2014). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
This book analyses and provides clear guidance and advice for using a range of different qualitative methods for evaluation. Using a range of clear examples and case studies the book comprehensively outlines a wide variety of qualitative research and evaluation methods, inquiry frameworks, and analysis options that are available today.
- Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. New Delhi: Sage.
This book is a rich sourcebook not only of methods for analyzing and displaying qualitative data, but of reflective insights into the nature of social science research. It provides practicing researchers, working with qualitative data, some real tools and strategies for drawing meaningful and valid conclusions from narrative text, and deliberating about the meaning of one's data and the validity of one’s conclusions.
- Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
In this book, the author explores the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of each of the five qualitative inquiry traditions: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. He relates research designs to each of the traditions of inquiry, and compares theoretical frameworks, ways to employ standards of quality, and strategies for writing introductions to studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a narrative, and verifying results.
- Anderson, R., & Braud, W. (2011). Transforming self and others through research: Transpersonal research methods and skills for the human sciences and humanities. Albany: SUNY Press.
Research approaches in the field of transpersonal psychology can be transformative for researchers, participants, and the audience of a project. This book offers these transformative approaches to those conducting research across the human sciences and the humanities. In hundreds of empirical studies, these methods have been tested and integrated with qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research designs. While emphasizing established research conventions for rigor, Anderson and Braud encourage researchers to plumb the depths of intuition, imagination, play, mindfulness, compassion, creativity, and embodied writing as research skills. Experiential exercises to help readers develop these skills are provided.
- Braud, W., & Anderson, R. (Eds.). (1998). Transpersonal research methods for the social sciences: Honoring human experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
There is no shortage of research methods that are easily applied to the study of everyday human experience. In this book, the authors introduce a series of transpersonal research methods intended to help researchers develop new ways of knowing and methods of inquiry to study extraordinary human experiences, ultimate values and meanings, peak experiences, transcendence, and heightened awareness, among others. While these methods will be of particular interest to researchers in transpersonal psychology, humanistic psychology, or transpersonal studies applied to traditional fields, the authors argue that these approaches with their emphasis on developing intuition, empathy, self-awareness can benefit anyone involved in the research enterprise.
- Riessman, C. K. (2008). Narrative methods for the human sciences. CA, USA: Sage Publications.
This book provides an overview of research based on constructing and interpreting narratives. It gives a detailed discussion and comparison of four analytic methods and explains how to conduct the four kinds of narrative analysis using model studies from sociology, anthropology, psychology, education and nursing. It helps students confront specific issues in their research practice, including how to construct a transcript in an interview study; complexities of working with materials translated from another language; defining narrative segments; relating text and context; locating oneself as the researcher in a responsible way in an inquiry; and arguing for the credibility of the case-based approach.
- Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (1995). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Using in-depth qualitative interviews, authors Herbert J. Rubin and Irene S. Rubin have researched topics ranging from community redevelopment programs to the politics of budgeting and been energized by the depth, thoroughness, and credibility of what was revealed. They describe in-depth qualitative interviewing from beginning to end, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write up.
- Etherington, K. (2004). Becoming a reflexive researcher: Using our selves in research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
This book raises important questions about whether or not researchers can ever keep their own lives out of their work. In contrast to traditional impersonal approaches to research, reflexive researchers acknowledge the impact of their own history, experiences, beliefs and culture on the processes and outcomes of inquiry. In this thought-provoking book, Etherington uses a range of narratives, including her own research diary and conversations with students and academics, to show the reader how reflexive research works in practice, linking this with underpinning philosophies, methodologies and related ethical issues. Placing her own journey as a researcher alongside others, she suggests that recognising the role of self in research can open up opportunities for creative and personal transformations, and illustrates this idea with poetry, paintings and the use of metaphors and dreams. She explores ways in which reflexivity is used in counselling and psychotherapy practice and research, enabling people to become agents in their own lives. This book encourages researchers to reflect on how self-awareness can enrich relationships with those who assist them in their research. It will inspire and challenge students and academics across a wide range of disciplines to find creative ways of practising and representing their research.
- Kaplan, M. A. (2007). The experience of divine guidance: A qualitative study of the human endeavour to seek, receive, and follow guidance from a perceived divine source. Pacific Grove, California: Original Gravity.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California. The book explores and maps the territory of the experience of divine guidance. The research question addressed by it is: What are the experiential structures, patterns, and qualities of the subjective experience of divine guidance, as experienced by selected advanced spiritual teachers? The experience of divine guidance was explored by employing and blending several qualitative methods of inquiry including heuristic research, spiritual inquiry, semi-structured interviews, and grounded theory based data analysis.
- Bochner, A. P., & Ellis, C. (2016). Evocative autoethnography: Writing lives and telling stories. NY: Routledge.
This comprehensive text is the first to introduce evocative autoethnography as a methodology and a way of life in the human sciences. Using numerous examples from their work and others, Bochner and Ellis, originators of the method, emphasize how to connect intellectually and emotionally to the lives of readers throughout the challenging process of representing lived experiences. Written as the story of a fictional workshop, based on many similar sessions led by the authors, it incorporates group discussions, common questions, and workshop handouts.
- Walsh, R., & Vaughan, F. (Eds.) (1993). Paths beyond ego: The transpersonal vision. Los Angeles: Tarcher/Perigee.
This book is a clarion call for an expanded vision of human possibilities. In it, many of the best thinkers of our day ask us to renew the perennial search for self-knowledge and to discover the deeper meaning of our lives. For this, they offer the transpersonal perspective -- which extends beyond consciousness in its myriad forms, including altered states, yoga, dreams, and contemplation. This marriage of psychology and science with the spiritual traditions has borne ripe fruit: the transpersonal vision, which offers a uniquely generous and encompassing view of human nature.
- Boyce, B. (2011). The mindfulness revolution. Boston: Shambhala.
A growing body of scientific research indicates that mindfulness can reduce stress and improve mental and physical health. Countless people who have tried it say it's improved their quality of life. Simply put, mindfulness is the practice of paying steady and full attention, without judgment or criticism, to our moment-to-moment experience. Here is a collection of the best writing on what mindfulness is, why we should practice it, and how to apply it in daily life, from leading figures in the field.
- Coster, G. (1998). Yoga and Western Psychology. Delhi: Motilal Banarsi Dass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
This work is the product of the author's profound studies in India's yogic system. The author has worked out this abstruse subject in a peculiarly comprehensible way. The comparison of the Eastern system of Yoga with the system of analytical psychology.
- Coward, H. G. (1985). Jung and Eastern thought. Albany: State University of New York Press.
This book is an assessment of the impact of the East on Jung's life and teaching. Along with the strong and continuing interest in the psychology of Carl Jung is a growing awareness of the extent to which Eastern thought, especially Indian ideas, influenced his thinking. This book identifies those influences that he found useful and those he rejected.
- Dossey, L. (1989). Recovering the soul. New York: Bantam Books.
In this thought-provoking book, Larry Dossey provides an alternative view of human consciousness--a theory of mind and being independent of matter, time, and space.
- Grof, S. (2000). Psychology of the Future. New York: SUNY Press.
This accessible and comprehensive overview of the work of Stanislav Grof, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, was specifically written to acquaint newcomers with his work. Serving as a summation of his career and previous works, this entirely new book is the source to introduce Grof's enormous contributions to the fields of psychiatry and psychology, especially his central concept of holotropic experience, where holotropic signifies "moving toward wholeness." Grof maintains that the current basic assumptions and concepts of psychology and psychiatry require a radical revision based on the intensive and systematic research of holotropic experience. He suggests that a radical inner transformation of humanity and a rise to a higher level of consciousness might be humankind's only real hope for the future.
- Hardy, J. (1987). A psychology with a soul. New Delhi, India: Penguin Group.
A comprehensive approach to self-realization, psychosynthesis was developed between 1910 and the 1950s by the Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli. Assagioli like Jung, diverged from Freud in order to develop an understanding of human nature that took account of spiritual dimensions. This book, originally published in 1987, is an exploration of psychosynthesis and the depth of mystical and scientific ideas behind it. It will be of great value to all those interested in personal integration and spiritual growth in general, and psychosynthesis in particular.
- Lancaster, B. (2004). Approaches to consciousness: The marriage of science and mysticism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Consciousness, and the relation between mind and brain, is a topic of contentious debate, and increasing interest amongst both academics and students of psychology. In this text, Lancaster takes a refreshingly balanced look at consciousness, bringing in approaches from neuroscience, cognitive science, depth psychology, philosophy and mysticism. With a distinctive 'transpersonal' orientation, this text will be an invaluable authoritative overview of this subject, integrating scholarship and research from diverse areas.
1. Therapy and Healing
- Veereshwar, P. (2002). Indian systems of psychotherapy. Delhi: Kalpaz Publications.
This book is an attempt to introduce psychologists and psychotherapists to the ancient Indian systems of the Atharva Veda, Ayurveda and Yoga.
- Watts, A. (1975). Psychotherapy East and West. Vintage Books.
What is the common ground between Western psychiatry and Eastern philosophy, and what has each to learn from the other? Alan Watts found a common principle that, intentionally or otherwise, seems to be used wherever therapy is trying to overcome man's false sense of himself as an isolated ego -- an ego that traps him in a perpetual flight from death and loneliness. In varying ways and degrees, both Eastern philosophy and Western psychotherapy engage the individual in experiments that vividly reveal the fallacy of this conception and give him a new feeling of identity.
- Swami Ram, Swami Ajaya, & Ballentine, R. (1976). Yoga and psychotherapy: The evolution of consciousness. Pennsylvania: The Himalayan Institute Press.
This book provides an in-depth analysis of Western and Eastern models of the mind and their differing perspectives on such functions as ego, instinct, and consciousness. For thousands of years, yoga has offered what Western therapists are seeking: a way to achieve the total health of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Yoga & Psychotherapy provides a unique comparison of modern therapy and traditional methods. Drawing upon a rich diversity of experience, this book gives us detailed examples of how the ancient findings of yoga can be used to supplement or replace some of the less complete Western theories and techniques.
- Bijlani, R. L. (2009). Back to health through Yoga. New Delhi: Rupa & Co.
This book sees yoga as an integral part of mind-body medicine. Mind-body medicine aims at correcting lifestyle faults that are responsible for disease and creating the best possible conditions for a reversal of the process which led to illness. Although the body has powerful self-healing mechanisms, including a well-organized, in-built pharmacy, however, self-healing is favoured by the right conditions which are best created by yoga.
- Hardy, J. (1987). A psychology with a soul: Psychosynthesis in evolutionary context. London, England: Arkana.
This book is an exploration of psychosynthesis and the depth of mystical and scientific ideas behind it. Hardy describes how the ideas behind psychosynthesis spring both from the scientific study of the unconscious and from the long mystical tradition of both the Eastern and Western worlds.
- Cortright, B. (1997). Psychotherapy and spirit: Theory and practice in transpersonal psychotherapy. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
This volume brings together the major developments in the field of transpersonal psychotherapy. It articulates the unifying theoretical framework and explores the centrality of consciousness for both theory and practice. It reviews the major transpersonal models of psychotherapy, including Wilber, Jung, Washburn, Grof, Ali, and existential, psychoanalytic, and body-centered approaches, and assesses the strengths and limitations of each. The book also examines the key clinical issues in the field. It concludes by synthesizing some of the overarching principles of transpersonal psychotherapy as they apply to actual clinical work.
- Vaughan, F. (2000). The Inward Arc: Healing in psychotherapy and spirituality. Lincoln, NE:, Inc.
This book offers practical wisdom for healthy human development and valuable guiding principles for integrating psychological and spiritual growth. It provides a wealth of information about transpersonal psychology and a variety of experiential exercises for inspiration and renewal.
- Mother, The (2004). Integral healing. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication.
This book of selections from the writings and talks of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother presents their insights into the causes and cure of illness. It examines the mechanism of illness primarily from a psychological point of view, taking into account the whole of our being including much that is beyond the range of our normal awareness. It explores how the hidden causes of physical disorders can be uprooted by discovering and utilising one's inner power and participating consciously in the accelerated evolutionary process known as Integral Yoga.
- Kakar, S. (1982). Shamans, mystics and doctors: A psychological inquiry into India and its healing traditions. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
The book illuminates the ancient healing traditions of India embodied in the rituals of shamans, the teachings of gurus, and the precepts of the school of medicine known as Ayurveda.
- Kakar, S. (1991). The analyst and the mystic. Delhi: Penguin-Viking.
This work is of importance for psychoanalysts and scholars of the psychology of religion. Kakar makes a scholarly and significant contribution to the objectification of what psychoanalysis and Hindu mystical tradition have in common.
- Siegel, B. S. (1986). Love, medicine and miracles: Lessons learned about self-healing from a surgeon's experience with exceptional patients. Minneapolis, MN: Quill House Publishers.
Drawing on his clinical experience, Siegel shows how we can alleviate stress and release the body's healing mechanisms. He demonstrates that when terminally ill patients take control of their illness, they change their lives beyond medical hope.
- Siegel, B. S. (1998). Peace, love and healing: Bodymind communication & the path to self-healing: An exploration. Minneapolis, MN: Quill House Publishers.
The book offers the revolutionary message that we have an innate ability to heal ourselves. Now proven by numerous scientific studies, the connection between our minds and our bodies has been increasingly accepted as fact throughout the mainstream medical community. In a new introduction, Dr. Bernie Siegel highlights current research on the relationships among consciousness, psychosocial factors, attitude and immune function.
- Gelso, C., & Fretz, B. (2001). Counselling psychology: Practice, issues and intervention. New Delhi: Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
For the course in introduction to counseling at the undergraduate or graduate level, this text is a comprehensive overview of the field of counseling psychology its interventions, its practitioners, and its practices. Written by two eminent leaders in the field, this long awaited revision covers the history of the field, as well as major concepts, theories, interventions, and research. It discusses ethics, training, careers, and practice in counseling psychology, embracing the scientist-practitioner model.
- Sheikh, A. A., & Sheikh, K. S. (Eds.). (1989). Healing East & West: Ancient wisdom and modern psychology. NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This book is an effort towards meaningfully integrating both Eastern and Western approaches to healing, in an attempt to prompt an acknowledgment of our spiritual nature, wherein we will be led to admit that our essence is not expressed in our struggle for survival, or in our efforts to make a place for ourselves within our society, but in nurturing the divine spark within us. This vision of man may inspire individuals, societies, and cultures to reach for new levels of understanding and develop goals worthy of our spiritual nature.
- Campbell, P. A., & McMahon, E. M. (1997). Bio-Spirituality: Focusing as a way to grow. Chicago, Illinois: Loyola Press.
This book provides a simple, step-by-step process to develop a mental and physical availability to whatever is real inside us--the heart of healthy spirituality. Bio-Spiritual Focusing deliberately nurtures a spirit based body wisdom which heals our inner disconnections, thereby balancing our dysfunctional lifestyles. It opens a new paradigm of human consciousness for exploration. The simplest things that touch our bodies each day, along with major issues like pain or joy can then reveal the wonder, the sacredness, and the gift of everything in life.
- Frank, J.D. & Frank, J.B. (1984). Persuasion & healing. London: The John Hopkins University.
This book deals with topics ranging from religious revivalism and magical healing to contemporary psychotherapies, from the role of the shaman in nonindustrialized societies to the traditional mental hospital. The authors contend that these therapies share common elements that improve the "morale" of the sufferers. They further argue that in combating the "demoralizing meaning" that people attach to their experiences, many therapies are surprisingly similar to rhetoric (the art of persuasion) and to hermeneutics (the study of meanings).
- Taylor, E. (1997). A psychology of spiritual healing. Pennsylvania: Chrysalis Books.
In this comprehensive work, Eugene Taylor uses the tenets of modern psychology, concepts from the world's religions, and a lifetime of spiritual experiences and interior exploration to show how true healing comes from within. The function of belief in the alleviation of suffering, the development of self-awareness, and the importance of human relationships form the basis for Taylor's psychology of spiritual healing. This cogent work both provides answers and raises questions for the spiritual seeker.
- Mijares, S. G. (2016). (Ed.). Psychological healing practices from the world’s religious traditions. New York: Routledge.
This book brings together experts who explore the use of ancient healing techniques from Buddhism, Christianity, Goddess, Shamanism, Taosim, and yogic traditions as well as the mystical practices of Judaism and Islam and their application to modern counseling and therapy professions.
2. Self-development
- Dalal, A. S. (Ed.). (2000). Living within: The Yoga approach to psychological health and growth. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
This compilation, consisting of extracts from the published works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, is based on research into the implications of Integral Yoga for mental health and psychological growth.
- Frankl, V. (2006). Man’s search for meaning. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl came to believe that man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This book offers a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living. Everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances.
- Neff, C. (2011). Self compassion. New York: Hodder and Stoughton.
This book shows how to let go of one’s constant, debilitating self-judgment and finally learn to be kind to oneself. Using solid empirical research, personal stories, humor, and dozens of practical exercises, Dr. Neff shows how one can heal the wounds of the past so that we can be healthier, happier and more effective.
- Hahn, T. N. (1990). Peace is every step: The path of mindfulness in everyday life. USA: Bantam Books.
In the rush of modern life, we tend to lose touch with the peace that is available in each moment. World-renowned Zen master, spiritual leader, and author Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how to make positive use of the very situations that usually pressure and antagonize us. The path to "mindfulness" is the process of keeping our consciousness alive to our present experience and reality. This contains commentaries and meditations, personal anecdotes and stories from Nhat Hanh's experiences as a peace activist, teacher, and community leader.
- Dhar, P. L. (2007). Value inculcation through self-observation. Igatpuri, India: Vipassana Research Institute.
This booklet points out how education in human values can be given rationally by training the students to analyze their own life in a scientific manner, just as they are trained to analyze the world outside.
- Dalal, A. S. (Ed.). (1992). Growing within: The psychology of inner development. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
In this compilation selections from the writings of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo are used to provide an overview of the meaning, nature, and processes of inner development. These include the first awakening of consciousness, the basic requisites and initial stages of inner growth, the individual means and methods to grow in consciousness, some of the difficulties and pitfalls along the way, and the eventual new birth into a spiritual life that comes from a reversal of consciousness. The focus of the book is inner growth as an experiential process based on certain universal psychological elements and principles, and its purpose is to help seekers understand and recognise the processes and experiences of inner development and foster its growth in their lives.
- Schlitz, M. M., Vieten, C., & Amorok, T. A. (2007). Living deeply: The art and science of transformation in everyday life. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
This book transcends any one approach by focusing on common elements of transformation across a variety of traditions, while affirming and supporting the diversity of approaches across religious, spiritual, scientific, academic, and cultural backgrounds. Each chapter in the book ends with Experiences of Transformation, exercises drawn from wisdom traditions or scientific investigations meant to enhance your direct experience of the material.
- Murphy, M., Donovan, S., & Taylor, E. (Eds.). (1997). The physical and psychological effects of meditation: A review of contemporary research with a comprehensive bibliography 1931-1996. Institute of Noetic Sciences.
This book stands at the crossroads between East and West, between inner and outer worlds. Originally published in 1988 by the Esalen Institute, this second edition has been produced in collaboration with the Esalen Institute and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This edition adds almost 400 new entries to the original bibliography, which now extends into 1996.
- Miovic, M. (2003). Initiation: Spiritual insights on life, art and psychology. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Society.
This book is a compilation of essays, travelogues, short stories, art criticism, and poems that revolve around the theme of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's vision. The author gives personal reflections on his spiritual quest, impressions of travels in India and Greece, and critical reviews of the emerging field of spiritual/transpersonal psychology and consciousness studies. The seemingly diverse writings in this book are woven together by an underlying critical perspective and a deep synthesis of Eastern and Western worldviews.
3. Education
- Senge, P., Mc Cabe, N., Lucas, T., Smith, B., Dutton, J., & Kleiner, A. (2000). Schools that learn. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
This book describes how schools can adapt, grow, and change in the face of the demands and challenges of our society, and provides tools, techniques and references for bringing those aspirations to life. It shows teachers, administrators, students, parents and community members how to successfully use principles of organizational learning, including systems thinking and shared vision, to address the challenges that face our nation’s schools.
- Jennings, P. A. (2015). Mindfulness for teachers. New York: Norton and Company.
This book offers simple, ready-to-use, and evidence-proven mindfulness techniques to help educators manage the stresses of the classroom, cultivate an exceptional learning environment, and revitalize both their teaching and their students’ knowledge acquisition. Drawing on basic and applied research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and education, as well as the author’s extensive experience as a mindfulness practitioner, teacher, and scientist, it includes exercises in mindfulness, emotional awareness, movement, listening, and more, all with real-time classroom applications.
- Huppes, N. (2001). Psychic education, a workbook. New Delhi: SAES.
This book was initially meant as a practical guide for teachers and trainees at Mirambika, the Free Progress unit of the Sri Aurobindo Education Society at New Delhi. Over time it has, however, proven invaluable for many others who are not directly involved in education, but who are serious about their spiritual growth, and who want to implement spirituality in their daily life and work.
- Partho (2007). Integral education: A foundation for the future. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Society.
The premise of this book is that if the goal of man is to evolve into a higher being capable of manifesting a divine consciousness, then this ideal must move beyond the realm of individual yogic practices and be seriously and purposefully taken up by societies through the propagation of a new kind of education. Based on his own practice as a teacher and teacher educator, the author describes the characteristics of an integral teacher and an integral learning environment and how these differ, in essence and in detail, from the current mode of education generally followed in the modern world. Set within the framework of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s thoughts on integral education, the book is an experimental manual for changing the way most teachers view both the process of learning and the child who is at the centre of that process.
- Sibia, A. (2006). Life at Mirambika. New Delhi: NCERT.
This book is a detailed description of an alternate, free progress school in New Delhi, Mirambika.
- Holt, J. (1982). How children fail. New York: Delta/Seymour Lawrence.
This book has helped two generations of parents and teachers understand what actually happens in the classroom. Holt’s experiences in the classroom as a teacher and as a researcher brought him to conclude that every child is intelligent. However, children become unintelligent because they are accustomed by teachers and schools to strive only for teacher approval and the “right” answers and consequently forget everything else.
- Mortenson, G. (2009). Stones into schools. USA: Viking.
In this dramatic first-person narrative, Mortenson recounts his relentless, ongoing efforts to establish schools for girls in Afghanistan; his extensive work in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan after a massive earthquake hit the region in 2005; and the unique ways he has built relationships with Islamic clerics, militia commanders, and tribal leaders. He shares for the first time his broader vision to promote peace through education and literacy, as well as touching on military matters, Islam, and women—all woven together with the many rich personal stories of the people who have been involved in this remarkable two-decade humanitarian effort.
4. Management
- Sharan, M. B. (2011). Metaphysical realities in psychology and management. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
Inspired by Integral psychology and Sri Aurobindo’s metaphysical teachings in particular, this book has been compiled from various sources to deal with metaphysical realities in psychology and management. It will help us in changing our mindset and listening to the voice of Spirit within. It will also help in arriving at a karmic plan through integration of logic, dream and intuition.
- Malik, P. (2000). India's contribution to management: A vision. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Institute of Research in Social Sciences.
This book portrays a holistic, spiritually-based contribution that India can make to the field of management, by providing the framework required for the fulfillment of numerous managerial problems the world is facing. This framework is based on the deepest knowledge of reality that India has been privileged to uncover time and time again through the unfolding of history.
- Gupta, M. (2013). The gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Chennai: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
This book is a collection of recorded conversations of Sri Ramakrishna with his disciples, devotees and visitors. Originally written in Bengali, it was translated in English by Swami Nikhilananda.
- Mascaro, J. (1994). The Bhagavad Gita. New Delhi: Penguin Books India.
Juan Mascaró's translation of The Bhagavad Gita captures the extraordinary aural qualities of the original Sanskrit text that encompasses the whole spiritual struggle of a human soul.
- Mascaro, J. (1994). The Upanisads. New Delhi: Penguin Books India.
This translation of the Upanishads by Juan Mascaro reveals the spiritual wisdom of the rich ancient Indian texts.
- Nisargadatta, Maharaj. (2008). I am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja. (M. Frydman, Trans.). Mumbai: Chetana Publishing.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s mission was to guide the individual to an understanding of his true nature and the timelessness of being. This book is a collection of his teachings and preserves his dialogues with the followers seeking his guidance. It is a testament to the uniqueness of the seer’s life and work.
- Yogananda, P. (1946/1975). Autobiography of a yogi. Bombay: Jaico.
In this modern spiritual classic, Paramahansa Yogananda narrates the inspiring chronicle of his life which gives the reader a penetrating and unforgettable look at the ultimate mysteries of human existence. It is a beautifully written account of an exceptional life and a profound introduction to the ancient science of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation.
- Nyinche, P. D. (1999). Awakening the sleeping Buddha: The Twelfth Tai Situpa. (L. Terhune, Ed.). Boston: Shambhala South Asia Editions.
In this book, the most basic principles of Tibetan Buddhism are presented in commonsense terms, using down-to-earth examples—making this a perfect handbook for beginners as well as an excellent companion for long-time students.]
- Gandhi, M. K. (1993). My experiments with truth. New Delhi: Beacon Press.
In this classic autobiography, Mahatma Gandhi recounts the story of his life and how he developed his concept of active nonviolent resistance, which propelled the Indian struggle for independence and countless other non-violent struggles of the twentieth century.
- Brunton, P. (1934). A search into secret India. London: Random House.
Paul Brunton, in this book, narrates his journey around India, living among yogis, mystics, and gurus, some of whom he found convincing, others not and how finally meeting the great sage Sri Ramana Maharashi, he found peace and tranquility.
- Brunton, P. (2009). The Maharshi and his message. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam.
This books places before the reader, three chapters from Paul Brunton’s book “A search in Secret India”, recounting the story of his retreat in the foot of Arunchala and his extraordinary experiences in the company of Sri Ramana Maharashi.
- Peck, S. M. (1978). The road less traveled: A new psychology of love, traditional values, and spiritual growth. New York: Simon & Schuster.
In this book, psychiatrist Dr M. Scott Peck suggests ways for confronting and solving our problems that enable us to grow both mentally and spiritually. This book showcases ways to embrace reality and yet achieve serenity and a richer existence.
- Khalil, G. (2001). The prophet. New York: Alfred. A. Knopf Inc.
This Khalil Gibran’s masterpiece is a collection of poetic essays that are philosophical, spiritual, and, above all, inspirational and range from love, marriage, children to self-knowledge, religion and death.
- Bach, R. (1977). Illusions. London: Arrow Books.
The novel questions the reader's view of reality, proposing that what we call reality is merely an illusion we create for learning and enjoyment.
- Frankl, V. (2008). Man’s search for meaning. RHUK, Exported Edition.
In this book, based on his own experience in a Nazi death camp, psychiatrist Viktor Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory, known as logotherapy, holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
4. Videos, Blogs and other Web-pages
- Sri Aurobindo Ashram
- Sri Aurobindo Book Distribution Agency
- Sri Aurobindo Centre for Consciousness Studies
- Auroville
- Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham
- Sri Aurobindo Society
- International Forum for India's Heritage
- Gayatri Pariwar
- Infinity Foundation
- Institute For Integral Yoga Psychology
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- Inclusive Psychology
William Braud's website. Highly recommended
- Psychology4all
V. George Mathew's integrative psychology
- Charles T. Tart Homepage
Incl. Taste and Consciousness Library Online
- Miraura
- The University of Tomorrow
Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research
- The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
- The Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Bangalore
If you feel your site should be listed here, please send us an email
5. Exercises, worksheets and informal ip-projects
- Worksheet-1: A first look inside
This first worksheet "Who am I?" is meant to help you have a first look within yourself; how you define yourself, what forms you, how you project yourself etc.
- Worksheet-2: The roles we play
The roles we play in our life form a large part of our identity. We are a son or a daughter, a sister or a brother, a parent, a colleague, a friend, a boss, the list continues. This second worksheet "Who am I?"is an attempt to make us more aware of the many roles we assume during the course of our lives and how we see ourselves with and without them.
- Worksheet-3: My family and me
This third worksheet "Who am I?" attempts to make us more aware of the various influences around us and the manner in which they have determined who we are and how we see ourselves.
- Worksheet-4: Change
It is said, "change is the only constant in life." We have all experienced the numerous changes that have taken place in our own lives. This worksheet brings attention to these various processes of change, the effect thay have had in shaping us until the present day as well as the potential they hold for us in the future.
Who Am I?
We are all on a journey called 'life'. For many of us, the most constant companion we have ever had since we embarked on this journey is our own 'self'. But in the humdrum of life, we often lose touch with our 'self'. The purpose of these worksheets is to help us tune in to ourselves, and touch base with where and who we are. These are exercises in self-reflection, offered as tools to assist in the process of "looking within", becoming self-aware through self-questioning and an inner examination of our thoughts, actions, emotions, etc. to find out who we are and what makes us unique.
The key areas for self-awareness include our personality traits, personal values, beliefs, the roles we play, emotions, habits, the psychological needs that motivate our behaviours, and the core principles that guide us through our lives. We hope that this endeavour in reconnecting with our 'self' will be refreshing, revealing, and thought provoking.
- Worksheet-1: Relationship with myself
While most of us are busy with our relations with others, we often tend to take for granted, or glance over the relationship we share with ourselves. The worksheet below helps us explore the nature of this relationship in some detail.
- Worksheet-2: Relationship with myself
This worksheet explores some practical aspects that may influence the relationship we have built with ourselves.
- Worksheet-3: Role of Relationships
This worksheet could help us articulate what relationships mean to us and what role they play in our individual lives.
- Worksheet-4: Relationships as a field for personal growth
While much of our learning about ourselves and the world comes through our interactions with others, we are often not aware of the manner in which they influence us. This worksheet is/offers a small beginning to gain greater clarity in this respect.
- Worksheet-5: Difficulties in relationships
Our close relationships bring out both our positive and negative emotions and behaviours.This exercise may help you identify "where you are" in your relationships and also tap into some of the problem areas with which you are struggling. The more you can be honest and spontaneous about how you really feel, the greater will be the opportunity to work through the difficulties.
We are relational beings. The variety of relationships we share with others, with animals and nature, with our work, with inanimate objects, with the divine and with ourselves, make them an important part of our identity. Our interactions often bring to the fore our strengths and weaknesses and provide us opportunities to realise a greater potential. They are the crucible within which we are chiseled and polished, and as Rumi said, "If we are irritated by every rub, how will we be polished?"
These worksheets attempt to draw our attention to such areas that may be useful to confront, acknowledge and work upon.
- In Search of an Awakened Consciousness
- Detachment as a tool for self-observation
- Self-observation
- Activism and integral psychology
- Ego and surrender
- Healing consciously
- On dreams
- Svadharma
Short duration projects
These projects are an attempt to develop rigorous methods of self enquiry as a first step towards the development of more extensive first-person research. The idea is to cultivate a discipline in studying one's own subjective experience while journeying inward and to articulate it in ways that could be useful not just for one's own growth, but for others as well.
Projects like these, if undertaken seriously, may prove useful in developing effective tools to deal with some of the difficulties we humans collectively face within ourselves.
For example, we all experience states such as fear, jealousy, anger, pain, loss, laziness etc. Even though they manifest differently for each of us, they also have certain universal characteristics. Observing and sharing our subjective experiences of them may help us find better ways to deal with them as a whole. Similarly, by observing and sharing accounts of more positive states such as courage, peace, mental silence, self-giving, we may learn how to make these a bigger part of all our lives.
Some guidance on how to conduct such a project can be found here
These are a few examples of projects taken up by participants in IPI's introductory courses in Indian Psychology.
6. First-person enquiry
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7. Courses and workshops In process
- MIT School of Vedic Sciences, Pune, Maharashtra.
- B.Sc in Integral Psychology
- This 3 year course offers contemporary education in Psychology with additional proficiency in Vedic/Yoga psychology.
- For further information check course details.
- Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, Kerala.
- B.Sc in Psychology
- This college offers Indian Psychology as an elective paper at the undergraduate level.
- For further information check course details.
- GITAM Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam.
- M.A in Applied Psychology
- A paper on Indian Psychology is offerend in semester IV.
- For further information check course details.
- Cotton College State University, Guwahati
- M.A in Psychology
- Indian Psychology and its applications is offered as an elective paper in semester III.
- For further information check course details.
- Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
- M.A in Psychology
- A paper on Indian Psychology is offerend in semester IV.
- For further information check course details. The detailed syllabus for IP is also available on the website.
- Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore.
- M.Sc in Psychology
- A paper in Indian Psychology is offered in Semester I.
- For further information check course details.
- Department of Pali, Pune University, Pune.
- Various courses on Buddhist Studies.
- This department offers basic to advance courses on Buddhism.
- For further information check course details.
- Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, Kochi, Kerela.
- M.A in Sanskrit and Indian Knowledge Traditions.
- This course offers basic understanding of Indian Knowledge Traditions and also covers concepts and texts in Sanskrit literature and philosophy.
- For further information check course details.
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- Ritambhara
This institute located in Chennai explores different dimensions of spirituality through various activities. - Sumedhas — Academy for Human Context
This institute offers internships, meta labs, process work etc. focusing on basic existential questions like "Who am I?" etc. - Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram
This institute offers a range of courses on Yoga based on Patanjali's philosophy. - Deer Park Institute
This institute based in Bir, Himanchal Pradesh is a centre for study of classical Indian Wisdom Traditions.They offer a range of courses on Yoga and healing art, meditation , Buddhism etc.
Here is a list of independent institutes that offer courses/ workshops etc. based on ancient Indian traditions.
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