This paper was presented at the
National Seminar on
Indian Psychology: Theories and Models
SVYASA, Bangalore,
December 26 - 28, 2007
Learning through projects
Baren Kumar Raul Mirambika, Delhi
The presentation ‘Learning through Projects’ consists of the following components: what is project work, what does it develop in the learner and in the facilitator (teacher), how it is being planned, how executed and next/then evaluated.
Aims: Project work is a way of integral learning, for the facilitator (teacher) as well as the student. The teacher plans for integrated development development of the affective domain sensitivity, socialization, character building, honing values and qualities; development of the physical domain fine and gross motor skill, organization, beauty, perfection in work; development of the mental domain discovery, exploration, questioning, enquiry, thinking, reasoning, judgment, creativity, imagination, memory, observation, concentration; development of the inner self joy in learning, self directed and motivated learning, calm and quietude in the being, respect oneself and others and materials, inner strength to face difficulties and over coming them.
The above aims are worked out by planning. To make the planning and execution effective the facilitator needs to develop his/her own being simultaneously with the students. As deeply and intensely the teacher practices his/her own process of self-perfection as much s/he will be able to guide the students integrally in their learning process.
Nature: The nature of the projects varies widely. The project can be a project for the whole class, sub group or individual. The project can be studying about ants because they were disturbing the school environment; or it can be studying about stars and planets because the children are curious to know details about space after observing a solar eclipse. The project can be as manual as gardening, designing or carpentry; or as inward as working on self-discipline, generosity, etc.
This presentation will highlight practical experiences and give examples of all the above-mentioned components.
Email the author, Mr. Baren Kumar Raul, at