This paper was presented at the
National Seminar on
Indian Psychology: Theories and Models
SVYASA, Bangalore,
December 26 - 28, 2007
All life is yoga applying Integral Psychology in personal life and work
Neeltje Huppes Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry
Integral Psychology is an evolutionary psychology that sees our mental consciousness as a middle term, and mental man as a transitional being progressing towards the embodiment of a divine consciousness here on earth. This transition may seem a far-off aim, yet, most of the constructs of Integral Psychology are based on the fullness of life and summarized in the phrase “All life is yoga.” Since life on earth is the field of realization, Integral Psychology is thus a life-affirming spiritual psychology.
In this presentation, which is based on Sri Aurobindo’s theory of the Evolution of Consciousness, it will be explained: 1) how each human being can participate actively in the evolution towards a stage beyond mind; 2) how attention to the evolving soul or psychic being can establish greater authenticity in our life; 3) how applying principles of Integral Psychology in personal life and work opens up new perspectives and practices for teachers, research scholars and practitioners in the fields of psychology and education.
Email the author, Ms. Neeltje Huppes, at