Yoga: A holistic approach to spiritual health and well-being
Akbar Husain and Kekhashan Yaqub
Department of Psychology
Aligarh Muslim University
In this paper Yoga as the healing system for the maintenance of spiritual health and well-being of an individual is emphasized. The balanced nature of the Yogic way of life is such that it modifies the personality of an individual and has a well-being dimension. Through Yogasana the individual can develop a harmonious integrated personality. From its early inception, Yoga is an oriental system and is practiced by Yogis. Yoga deals with several important aspects of personality - soma, nerves and psyche. Yoga develops a healthy and whole personality of an individual. Yoga is a way of life that integrates the individual's spiritual, physical, social, and mental needs or strengths in the most harmonious way. It is believed that the spiritual aspect of an individual is developed and enhanced in the most potent and sublime manner. Psychologically, Yoga is an effective natural process of healing and modification of personality. The practice of Ashtanga Yoga should be encouraged for the development and modification of personality. We believe that Yoga is a potent process and individuals who practice it enjoy the spiritual benefits associated with its preventive and curative aspects for different bodily, mental, and spiritual diseases.
This paper was presented at the
National Conference on
Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology
Pondicherry, India, September 29 - October 1, 2002