Organisational psychology in the Indian context
Kittu Reddy
The aim of this paper is to introduce the basic principles of organisational psychology, which includes the aspects of motivation and leadership, in the Indian context. The whole world, and probably we, in India today are almost totally dominated by the European and Western civilisation and concept of life. The time has come to set right this undue preponderance, to reassert for us the Indian mind and to preserve and develop the great values of Indian civilisation. But the Indian mind can assert itself successfully only by meeting the problems of the modern world and by giving them a solution, which will justify its own ideals and spirit. Imitating the Western model cannot do it. The Indian model may be summed up in the following aphorism and will be the focal point of all Management and Development theories and programmes: "The man who most finds and lives from the inner Self, can most embrace the universal and become one with it; the Svarat, independent, self-possessed and self-ruler, can most be the Samrat, possessor and shaper of the world in which he lives, can most grow one with all in the Atman. That is the truth this developing existence teaches us, and it is one of the greatest secrets of the old Indian spiritual knowledge". Every organisation is built on a system, a structure which is the backbone of its functioning. However good the system, the psychology of the leadership and the psychology of the group are at least as important as the system itself. In order to understand and develop any motivation theory, we must get a clear picture of the psychological structure of the human being both on the individual and collective plane. For motivation is essentially a psychological force; combined with good training and leadership, it can be a tremendous force multiplier. Since behaviour and motivation are dependent on the level of consciousness, it follows that efficiency of both the individual and the group can be improved by raising the level of consciousness. However, since one has also to work at different levels of consciousness at different times, it will be necessary to refine these levels of consciousness. It will be therefore necessary to: First study the different levels of consciousness in any organisation starting from the young officer till the ranks of senior officers. The characteristics of the different levels of consciousness will then be studied and their impact on the behaviour and motivation patterns. Thirdly, study and discuss methods of improving the quality of consciousness at each level Fourthly, focus on how to intensify the levels of consciousness. Lastly, to raise the levels of consciousness. It is our firm belief that if this done with regularity and in a disciplined manner, it will not only enhance the quality of life of the individual but also improve the efficiency and quality of the organisation.
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This paper was presented at the
National Conference on
Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology
Pondicherry, India, September 29 - October 1, 2002