Spiritual health of organization: A new vision of organizational change in rural bank development
Debdulal Dutta Roy & Susmita Mukhopadhyay
Psychology Research Unit
Indian Statistical Institute
Prior studies on organizational change in rural banks paid attention to change in the organizational climate, or change in socio-technological system of the banks rather than change in the core values of bank on which the core system of bank actually operates, i.e., work as worship, honesty, openness, social service or world maintenance and equality. In development of organizational change theory related to rural banks, no attention was paid to the above five spiritual health predictors in predicting job satisfaction. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of relative importance of organizational spiritual health variables in predicting differences between high and low job satisfied groups. Data was collected from 219 employees (commercial banks=57, regional rural banks=89, cooperative banks=73) with Organizational Spirtitual Health Perception Questionnaire and Job Satisfaction (Quine and Mangione, 1973). Psychometric properties of the scales were estimated. Respondents were classified into more (n=51) and less job satisfied groups (n=53) based on quartile range. Classification matrix based on stepwise discriminant analysis shows 76.92% correct classification. Of all the above five, spiritual health predictors and perception of organizational openness was found as best predictor, followed by work as worship and social service. Results were explained in terms of organizational change based upon perceived spiritual health of organization.
This paper was presented at the
National Conference on
Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology
Pondicherry, India, September 29 - October 1, 2002