“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer.”

Albert Camus

The Gift of Psychology

Divya Parasher

My first encounter with psychology was a small notice put up in my college in the beginning of the academic year. It was an invitation for students to join this special and somewhat different subject called “Integral Psychology.” The notice went somewhat like this:

The course is open to all students who have a serious interest in the deeper questions of life and the way we human beings function. 

Course Outline

  1. Introduction: What is Integral Psychology?
      • a short history of 20th century academic psychology
      • an overview of integral psychology
      • self-observation as methodology
      • planes and parts of the being: a first self-view
      • the perspective of an ongoing evolution of consciousness
      • applications of integral psychology
  2. Cognition: How do I know?
      • what is consciousness? What is knowledge?
      • 4 types of knowledge
      • perception, thinking and memory; Western and Indian views
      • dreams
      • making subjective knowledge reliable
  3. Being: Who am I?
      • planes and parts of the being
  4. Action and interaction: What to do?
      • motivation
      • emotions
      • attitudes
      • relationships
      • the role of suffering
  5. Practice: How do I change?
      • basic processes
      • what is perfection?
      • applied psychology


My first reaction on reading it was, “Wow, now that REALLY sounds interesting!” It’s strange how sometimes the course of your entire life can be changed by small mundane things, like a notice!

What struck me most about that little notice was that it was a summarization of some of the basic questions about life that I had been asking myself for a long time. It almost seemed that this particular subject would answer all my queries and therefore I joint this class with a lot of enthusiasm and interest.

The course lasted for two years and without a doubt it was one of the most interesting classes that I did or will ever do in my life. The most amazing thing about this class was that being in it one felt as though one was at home. Most of the time I had a strong feeling of belonging to this class. I felt completely at ease discussing questions regarding life, god, love and all such topics. Often one of us would make an observation about one particular topic (for example faith) and then the rest of us would chip in our remarks and reflections and before we had realized we had a whole range of different thoughts and observations before us. I often felt that we were together building up something new or that each of us were like small rivers trying to merge in the vast ocean. One of the most precious lessons that I learnt from this type of exercise was the multiplicity that exists in this world. Each of us is different and each of us has something of that Truth. In reality all of us have a place in this creation, a place that no one else can take and therefore we are all unique and special in the eyes of the Creator.

There were many such incredible lessons (not just classroom lessons but lessons of life) that I learnt during the course of the two years. But the one priceless gift that I received from this class was that it gave me a direction in life. It helped me develop an insight into the why and how of life. I definitely did not have concrete answers or sufficient knowledge about what life was all about, neither did I have a specific viewpoint or belief about how I was to lead it but what I had was a conviction that my life had a true, hidden, purpose and that my aim was to find it and live by it. I knew I was not living by mere chance, my life was not an illusion or a fantasy, I had within me a Presence, a Truth that guided my life. It was as though a whole new world was born in front of my eyes. It was a discovery that opened up new and incredible vistas, unthought possibilities, and a truer reality.

This was the priceless gift I got from my psychology class.

Psychology is a subject that can change the way humanity looks at life. It is a powerful tool that can teach us where and how to look for the Reality. It’s also a profound and individual study of the real person we are. It teaches us who we are and what we must do. In short it can help us find the real purpose of our life thus making it more fulfilling and meaningful.



“...I had within me a Presence, a Truth that guided my life. It was as though a whole new world was born in front of my eyes. It was a discovery that opened up new and incredible vistas, unthought possibilities, and a truer reality.”

"Psychology is a subject that can change the way humanity looks at life."


By the way // God // Life // Me // And other stories...

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